Dear Parents/Carers,
Would you like an educational opportunity for you and your child to use a Nintendo DS as a musical instrument? In conjunction with the education department at Aldeburgh Music, 25 people from our area have been offered the opportunity to take part in an Open Air performance as part of the Aldeburgh Festival entitled “
Hands on Sound” which will take place on Aldeburgh Beach on 27th June 2010.
Matthew C Applegate has created a piece of software for the DS which will allow it to be used as an instrument. . Together with Duncan Chapman – a world renowned musician and performer - the participants will learn and rehearse a piece of music on either Saturday morning or afternoon and then rehearse it for the last time on Sunday morning, ready to perform on Aldeburgh Beach at 12.00pm.
All sessions will be held in Aldeburgh or nearby. Times will be finalised ASAP but days are definitely Saturday 26th (morning or afternoon, not both) and Sunday 27th (from roughly 10am to 1pm). Participants would have to be available for both days.
Aldeburgh Education would like to offer this opportunity to all of our students, as well as their siblings, parents, grandparents and friends. It is a fun and casual event for the whole family.
If your child doesn’t have a DS and would like to take part Snape Maltings can provide DS’s for you. If transport may be a problem please speak to me.
If you and/or your child is interested please complete the slip and return it to school by 21st May.
Yours sincerely,
Val Jones