Wednesday 20 October 2010

Drama in Class One

Today we wrote pirate stories in groups in our literacy lesson. Then we acted out the stories in front of the rest of the class.

Healthy Eating in Class One

In Class One we have been learning about healthy eating, because pirates didn't eat a very heathy diet. We thought about the food pirates should have eaten to stop them getting scurvy. Then we learned how to make healthy sandwiches (and ate them).

Monday 11 October 2010

Numeracy in Class One: 3D Shapes Lesson

Numeracy is always fun in Class One, but today we started learning about 3D shapes using some new equipment called 'Polydron' These are 2D magnetic shapes which link together to form 3D shapes. Can you name these shapes?

French Day in Class One

French Day was a very exciting affair in Class One. During the morning the children decorated hundreds of cakes for their 'Patisserie' which opened at 2pm. They worked very hard. In the afternoon the children learned how to do French skipping, play French cricket and then sold their cakes. They learnt how to count from one to ten in French and how to say the days of the week.