Wednesday 9 February 2011

Making the Planets

Class 1 have spent quite a while making the planets in our solar system out of paper mache for a classroom display. It has been hard work, but we are really pleased with the results.

Is There Any One Our There? Space Topic

This term's topic in Class 1 has been 'Space.' We have been off to a flying start. The children have been learning the names and position of all the planets in our solar system and finding out what they are like.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Class 2 Puppets

Clothing Bank...

After the success of our 'Cash for Schools' clothing and textile collection last term, we have installed a permanent clothing bank for all to use. This is not just for the use of those from school, but also the wider community as well. So, please pass on the news to your friends and neighbours to feel free to dispose of their unwanted:

  • clothes and underwear, (any condition)

  • paired shoes, boots or trainers, (tied in pairs)

  • bedding, (not duvets or pillows)

  • curtains

  • towels

  • bags and belts

Items should be put into bags, don't worry if you can only part fill a bag, as these can be put together to make full bags. The bank will be emptied on a regular basis, approximately every 4-6 weeks. For every bag we collect, the school receives £1.50! The bank is situated behind the school, just off the Drift.

Do please note that our other recycling facilities are also available to the whole community, including the paper bank. These are situated round the front of the school behind the wooden gates on the right.

Baking Bread

Class 3 have been looking into Micro-organisms with Mrs. Merry in Science and last week we were looking at good microbes. This was brilliant as it gave us a really good excuse to bake some bread whilst looking at yeast!

Wider Opportunities Music

Since September Class 2 have been lucky enough to receive music lessons from Mr. McDowell from County Music Services. He has been teaching the children how to play the cornet. Each child has been loaned a cornet to use and practise on, they can even take them home!

My favourite quote from one of the children recently overheard in the corridor was, 'Mrs. McGeever, its not a cacophany anymore!' I think this shows that they are making lots of progress and I will add, the sounds coming from Class 2 are definitely no where near being a cacophony anymore, they are actually pretty mellifluous!