Wednesday 9 May 2012

Never has a corridor been so interesting!

Children often get told off for loitering in corridors but at the moment they have good reason to.  Move aside 'BGT', our bird cam is taking centre stage.

We have had the bird box (with camera) for two years but this is the first time a bird has decided to nest.  We believe she is a Great Tit.  Recent events:
  • 24 April - eggs are noticed for the first time
  • 27 April - we count 8 eggs
  • 1st May - the 2 adult birds are seen together
  • 8th May - at 8.30am, 3 eggs have hatched and one is in the process of being hatched
  • Today 9th May - all eggs seem to have hatched
Unfortunately our mother bird is a little camera shy and you will see from the photos that she could have positioned herself slightly better for optimum camera coverage (Simon Cowell would not approve!).  As the babies grow they will take up more room so hopefully we will get better visuals in the coming days.  We will keep you updated!

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