Wednesday 29 February 2012

Budding Writers

Just before Christmas, Class 3 entered a writing competition. We had to write a saga in less than 50 words which is much harder than it sounds! We were delighted to hear that 23 of us have had our work chosen for publication.

We will be getting a complimentary copy of the book so you will soon be able to read all our sagas. In the meantime, here are a few to whet your appetite ...

The Voices by Molly
It was dark; you could hear the sounds of the past dead, and the stories that had been told. She was listening too ... She knew what would happen if she didn't obey the voices; the dreadful fate, the eternal darkness ...

The Battle by Ethan
A dark black battlefield. All quiet. Silent. A stampede of warriers, 15000 against 300. All that could be heard was clatter of spears, shields and swords. People dying. Then the battle was over.

The Shadow by Millie
It happened at dusk. He was alone. He saw this dark misty shadow behind the trees. Suddenly it was moving! He couldn't hear himself breathe. It was so quiet; he saw it again. It's running towards him. It's just a blur to him but for us it's different.

A Crushing Life by Florence
He was trapped, in a locked room, without windows but he could hear the slightest of tapping. Was he alone? Suddenly he was hit by a stone, then another, then another, then another. It stopped, his breathing stopped, the door opened ...

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