Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pancake Day Races

Armed with homemade pancake (or an El Paso fajita for those who cheated!!) and frying pan, the children limbered up on Tuesday 21st for the annual Charsfield Primary School Pancake Race!

There was a chill in the air but fortunately, unlike the week before, there was no snow on the ground.

The children lined up to receive the race instructions and then they were split into year groups.

Two lengths of the playground flipping the pancake 3 times on each length in the fastest time would be the winning formula, except for Class 1 who only had to complete one length - they do have shorter legs after all!

The finalists were split into Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 for one last lap which concluded with an all female first place finish - Grace for KS1 and Amber for KS2!

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